
Remember, Beauty’s Only Skin-Deep

Didn’t plan on going any further, Ma!

H. Mikel Feilen
2 min readJun 18, 2024


Mom, leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m fantasizing? All drawings are by the author.

I love my Mommy but sometimes she can be a real pain when trying to fantasize. Everything is going perfectly in my mind’s eye when she is all at once — looking at me with her all-seeing eye.

“Mikie!” I’d hear her say “Do you think you should be thinking those thoughts while married to the same woman for 35 years?”

“Yes! That’s why I’m thinking those thoughts” I want to shout.

Knowing that voice is my imagination combined with a guilt-ridden conscience pretending to be my Mom, I try to ignore it. Much in the same way, I ignored her when she would warn me about the wild and dangerous women I dated as a young lad.

She used to say to me “Now, sweetie, remember beauty is only skin-deep.”

I would answer, “I know Mom but I don’t plan on going any further than their luscious skin.”

Then she would say with a crooked smile, “Don’t be disgusting! You’re just like your father.”

Miss you, Mommy!

Peace, Love, and Unconditional Happiness!

